Presson is synonym for highest quality, lazer-sharp focus and our dedication for your customers. We want you to feel truly at home in your new property, so we want to make sure we do our job right.
We are here to help you find the perfect place for your family. Depending on your needs, we'll suggest properties to view and book you in for your viewing.
Once you've found the property of your dreams and are ready to place an offer, we will contact the seller and negotiate the best terms to suit your budget and needs.
We don't play around – that means that our bold and confident approach to closing results in you walking away with the keys to your new dream property.
Munții Măcinului, parte a Parcului Național Măcin, sunt unele dintre cele mai vechi formațiuni montane din România, având o vârstă de aproximativ 300 de milioane de ani. Acești munți, situati în Dobrogea, se caracterizează prin peisaje spectaculoase, cu culmi domoale, versanți abrupți și văi adânci.
Mănăstirea Cerbu este un lăcaș de cult situat în județul Tulcea la o distanta de 52 de km de pensiunea noastra, într-un cadru natural deosebit, în apropierea Deltei Dunării. Această mănăstire, cunoscută pentru frumusețea sa arhitecturală și pentru atmosfera de liniște, este locul ideal pentru rugăciune.
Situat în satul Topolog, județul Tulcea, Schitul Sf. Cruce este o oază de liniste in care te poti regasi sufleteste. Acesta se află într-un cadru natural deosebit, oferind vizitatorilor un loc ideal pentru rugăciune și contemplare.
Cetatea Beroe este situată pe un promontoriu înalt şi stâncos, în punctul Piatra Frecăţei, pe malul Dunării, în dreptul locului în care braţul Băroi se reuneşte cu fluviul, la cca. 3 km sud de centrul localităţii Ostrov. Izvoarele antice ne informează că cetatea romană şi romano-bizantină a fost sediu al unei unităţi de cavalerie, apoi sediu episcopal, că a fost reparată în timpul lui Constantin cel Mare şi distrusă de raidurile avaro-slave în timpul lui Justinus II.
Miriam Hayes
James and Susan Smith
We have bought and sold a handful of properties in the past with various different realtors, but none came close to the service we got at Presson's. Not only is the team full of experts who know what they're talking about, but they are also always willing to go that extra mile to ensure customer happiness and satisfaction. We were never left hanging and waiting for an answer – everyone got back to us promptly and we never felt like we weren't in the loop of what was going on. The whole process was smooth and we never felt rushed or pushed to make a decision. Instead, we could take the time to decide on everything, and ended up signing the papers within weeks.
We had heard a lot of praise for Presson's team, since many of our social circle was already using their services to purchase their own homes. We had pretty high expectations, and were pleasantly surprised when they were not just met, but surpassed by a mile. The team was accommodating at all stages – from viewing the properties, to providing extra information on some of the interior materials, to explaining in detail all the clauses in the contracts. Even our children could join the house viewing process, something which we were eternally grateful. Now, we are happy homeowners in a nice neighborhood, and we couldn't be happier.
If you're interested in hearing more about the way we work, have a business proposal, or are interested in making a purchase, we'd love to hear from you.
Sat Dăeni, Comuna Dăeni, Jud. Tulcea, Romania, Strada Crizantemelor, nr.10, 827065